Weed saplings

In the common point of view, weed saplings are a mere waste. It is not a profit oriented plant to the land owner and he never desires it. They consume shamelessly the soil nutrients supplied by him. Further they force him to incur barren expenses.

If one may investigate the context in a deeper sense, some interesting points could be caught on. The weed sapling is a palpable indicator for class of its soil and one may safely conclude, the land is fit for cultivation. Even the land owner is not able to earn from weed saplings as a commercial crop, yet they are very useful in form of fodder to many cattle and other rearing animals or birds.

Thus even though there are no direct benefits of weed saplings to its land owner, they offer their own benefits others.

The same property can be noticed in epics or annals of different religions. They contain many anecdotes disturbing the strainght flow of its main content. As the concentration of reader is on the main content, these anecdotes are sources of irritation and boredom. If the reader can retain his patient to go through them, they can offer lifelong valuable teachings.

Why do not many persons behave at least like a weed sapling or an anecdote in his public attitude? They are too selfish to spend their time on other persons or other things other than their own persons and personal things. One may find such cabbages in many social media as a member/administrator of groups. There is no use of existence of such members/administrators in social media except simply sucking of information provided by other members as if a parasite.

So the real weed sapling in life is …..

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