Kohinoor Baba

There is no need of special mention of Babas to the Indians. Yes, each Baba has a different story and style. So Kohinoor Baba had also a separate type of history. Many Babas were born in India and left abroad to lead simple (means? luxurious) life.

Kohinoor Baba was born in Germany and came to India. In history, Kohinoor diamond was more famous when it was taken away by the British. Similarly he came to India from fatherland and renamed Kohinoor Baba to become more famous.

Again the Baba had some more differences. The other Babas accepted the offerings or of their choice (i.e., demanding in disguise) from their devotees. Unlike it, sometimes Kohinoor Baba threw far away the offerings given by his devotees. Once he kept 5 KG cashew nuts offering of a devotee in a litter. If anyone doubted it, he argued if we only had to eat them but not the other creatures like ants, birds and animals. 

The other Babas blessed their devotees in accordance with their wishes. But Kohinoor Baba was different and he sanctified them at his will and they were not connected in any way to the desires of devotees. Such boons sometimes became materialized and they encouraged faith on Kohinoor Baba. Once a devotee asked the Baba about his elder daughter’s marriage and it’s time. Kohinoor Baba replied him first to take care of his health. Soon the devotee was admitted really in a hospital for treatment of cardiac arrest.

 One more devotee urged him to bless him a government job as he was becoming age barred. Kohinoor Baba gently refused the request stating that he would need not to worry of his life and no necessity for him doing any job. Within a short period, the devotee got a windfall in a legal litigation. His immense joy touched the heights of sky. Gradually the public in big size started to visit him with many ambitions.

It is a tough task to analyze the human mentality. Indeed Kohinoor Baba used to blessing his devotees as per his wish but not as people desired. No one thought of the purpose of Baba’s blessings if they were not what they wanted. But they just felt it a crazy trend and rowed to his abode.

It was all one side of the story. There were opponents also to him. They thought his devotees popularized him without any ground and planned a plot to tarnish his fame. One fine morning such opponents of Kohinoor Baba in a large crowd went to his and asked him to prove the God does not exist.

Kohinoor Baba was amazed first then he asked them how their desire was relevant with reference to him as he was a great believer of the God.

The crowd was already prepared expectation of such reply and hence answered immediately. “Baba! We have two reasons. One, your style is separate in giving boons. If one asks something, you would give another thing. Thus we wantonly asked to prove non-existence of the God. As per our knowledge you would be ready to prove existence of the God. Two, anyone expects what they believe is to be followed by others also. As we are disbelievers, we prepared our question accordingly”

Having observed this incident, the Baba’s devotees raised against the crowd to chase them from there. But the Baba objected them politely.

“Yes, I agree with you. But how can anyone prove your stand. In fact, it is easier to prove any existing one. For example if you have own house then it will be well to prove by telling its address. If you do not have own house, how will it be possible to establish?”

This was an unexpected question for them and they felt in confusion. Kohinoor Baba himself solved the issue as there was no reply from them even after a long pause.

“I wish to solve this puzzle in this manner. If a man is asked what his qualification is, he would reply 10th class or graduation. It means every qualification has a test or examination. If a man got success in such examination, he would get the qualification. If he failed in such examination, he would not be entitled the qualification. So conduct to me a test to prove existence of the God. If I am failed in such test, it can be concluded absence of the God.”

The opponents of him got thrilled as he himself gave a chance to prepare question paper for conducting the test. They immediately accepted the proposal.

“It’s my pleasure. But keep in your mind the test should be realistic.”

Again the opponents of his were blank faced.

Having observed it, the Baba elaborated his opinion “If you test me to produce 10 K.Gs. of gold from air, it would not be practical. Similarly if your test includes marrying one of you with the most beauty of world, it would also not be practical. So do not expect my failure with pose of such questions.”

“Your explanation hints the God does not do miracles. Was not it a wonder holding upright a big hill with His little finger? Was not it a miracle to divide a big ocean into two halves?” questioned one of the opponents.

“God means that he is not a magician or a mesmeriser. The said such tasks were expectations from the human brain. If He was such highly capable, what was the necessity to become a scapegoat in the issue of a jewel called Samantakamani? Again what was the necessity to be punished with great pain? I think it all the attitude of individuals to declare their belief on the God. Therefore I request to ignore touching such fables and make your test without controversy and let me have a chance to fulfil your desire”

After a discussion among the opponents of the Baba, they requested Kohinoor Baba a week time to finalise their question paper and left the place.

The opponents of the Baba again met him in a morning time after a week and asked him whether he was ready for the test.

Kohinoor Baba smiled and nodded as a gesture of acceptance. Then he requested them to have a breakfast in his abode. Many fruits and drinks were offered to them excessively.

Later the Baba gave one more suggestion to get rid of ambiguity in the test. “I request you again to put negative marks in your test since I would like to answer your test with honesty but not a chance of fluke.”

They accepted the modification and started conducting their test. All of them walked out and stood on a main road. One of the opponents explained his question “Baba! See the lane. At present the human traffic in the lane is nil. I will start counting time. Within ten minutes, if a female comes out from the lane, we accept your pass in the test. If a male comes out, it will be deemed your fail. So praise your God to prove his existence and the count starts now”

All of them except the Baba, stared at turn of the lane to know the result. The first Seven minutes of the stipulated period completed without any change in the position. Later a woman with her boy came out from the lane and turned right side to reach her destination.

 The result of the test thus ended without any cutting edge of pass and fail. Was the Baba the winner or the loser of the test? A debate in group of the opponents began. Someone declared it was a win since a female was seen. Some other stated it was not a win since a boy was also seen. Another one deduced the incident to give benefit of doubt to the Baba as age wise the woman is older than her boy. Finally all concluded that the test itself failed and another test would be given.  

No reaction came from Kohinoor Baba. All the opponents again took him to another place from where a road bridge could be visible. One of them explained the next test. It was also as same as the earlier one. If any vehicle or person moved first from left to right on the bridge within the stipulated period of counting 100 numbers, the Baba would be the winner and anyone travelled first from right to left they would be achievers.

The 100 numbers countdown started. At first numbers were counted with a short interval. No change on the bridge was noticed. The count of the 30 numbers was lapsed. Now the counting was changed for long interval with dismal. A peddler came nearer to them. He wished Kohinoor Baba and the others. Later he asked them why they were looking at the bridge. He was explained about the test. Then the man replied that the bridge was closed due to repairs two days back and not possible any travelling on the bridge.

The second test was an utter flap. One the opponents yelled impatiently “Baba! to prove his existence of your God, he should immediately give us a rain or drizzle in this place within five minutes. I hope you agree that unexpected rain is not a miracle.”

Kohinoor Baba took a pause before answering. “Yes, what you said is right. Unseasonal and unexpected rains are not uncommon. I am ready for test. Before that we again go to our Ashram and have our breakfast once more. Let us go.”

Most of them refused. “No Baba! We had all taken food just a few minutes ago in abundance. It is not able to us to eat again now.”

“It’s alright gentlemen. Please try to empty your bellies by going to the One (i.e., piss) or the Two (i.e., defecation) and then we will have second round of breakfast.

“No Baba, No. No one can do the One or the Two naturally without any stress or forces inside. Please do not compel us. We understand what you wish to tell us” Almost all said without patient.

A long silence took place among them. At last Kohinoor Baba asked them if any test was left to give him.

One of the opponents answered sadly “We tried our level best to win our motto. But nothing was achieved in our mission.”

Kohinoor Baba told them to divide into two groups viz the married and the unmarried.  They did so.

“How many of you had gifted your wife on any occasion like marriage or birthday as per her ambition?” the Baba asked the married group.

The answers were different and given below:

“I gave her a gold chain instead a necklace of her wish since shortfall of money”

“She asked me to go to temple in pair.  I disliked it”

“I was not in the town on the occasion day”

“I gave her money to buy what she wanted. I was busy in my job on the occasion day”

“I had not remembered the occasion day at all.”

“As a bachelor, you do not know our difficulties. If desires of wife are attempted to fulfil, the richest will also surely be bankrupted”

“As a wish of surprise, I gifted her saree. She simply commented the colour of the saree was not of her choice.”

Then Kohinoor Baba replied “You all said genuinely that was appreciated. I would ask one more question. What was the immediate reaction of you wife when you had requested her to serve food or water? I mean …. Did she attend your request anon or counter her question?”

The spontaneous replies from the married group were:

“Why not. When morning coffee was requested, sweeping of the fore of the house is to be completed first was the reply.”

“To serve food, the soup is still in preparation. Be waiting for some more time.”

“The fuel has been exhausted. Bring the lunch from outside”

“I do not have ten hands either to give or to attend your frequent commands.”

“Where can I bring litres of milk to supply your many number of tea cups.”

Kohinoor Baba started his speech addressing them. “What did you understand with it all? The closest persons in the world are a married couple. As per your experiences, there were and are innumerable occasions between a wife and a husband not heeding other’s intentions or requests. So, is He a servant of everybody to serve them without any pause round the clock who always did longing without any gap with petty offerings in quid pro quo lines? What was His necessity to prove his existence by making me the winner in your cheap and crazy tests?   

As I have already said worship is an individual feeling. Everyone wishes one’s comfort living. In this process, one gets any disturbance or hurdle, and then looks at the invisible in the form of the God to get rid of one’s difficulty. It is positivity.

In fact all believers do not have same set of rules. Some of them support non-vegetarianism. Again in them, some avoid to eat it on a particular day and declare it a sin. But some other professes that it should be eaten on such particular day only otherwise it would be sin. Similarly eating a particular kind of non-vegetarian item is a sin in one’s view and not a sin in other’s view.

So beliefs vary from person to person. The same is true in case of the God. Let the people have their own faith and follow them as long as they are not harm to the common good of society.

In my view, have faith with your choice but be honest in your deeds. That is the best policy. So be aloof to such activities that are involved in disturbing others in any way in the society.”

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