
Who is granted fine?

Is it the richer that tosses and turns having cozened cushy opulence?
Is it the poorer that dosses down fast asleep living hand to mouth?

Is it the insatiable man that is weakened with his mechanised restless work and lack of timely intake of food and nap?

Is it the ordinary man that argues haste makes waste and is blamed always a ninny by kith and kin?


Is it the infancy that is breastfed covered in the drape of mother’s outfit when a yell of hungry started?
Is it the teenage that over joys eating a cup of ice-cream with its darling met in clandestine after a great struggle?


Is it the death that takes apart from all carnal woes and restlessness?
Is it the birth that arrives to get pampered as a sweet dream of its parents?
Is it the era of ancestry that claims it did any calculation on finger tips and never experienced nose run?
Is it the era of progeny that requires a calculator to do a paltry sum of single digits and gets health insurance for a seasonal ailment too.

In fact...

One’s fine may not be determined on calculation basis.
One’s fine may not be known in comparison system.

It is like education and will be multiplied with sharing goodness one another.
It is like obedience and will be deeply penetrated into life when control and command prevail over passions.

It is like time and will not notice us rather we ought to observe it.
It is like gold and will not preserve itself in our life rather we ought to preserve it in life.

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